If stakes and garlic were the top two things that could kill a vampire, ninth grade gym was a close third.
— Heather Brewer
Local garlic is inexpensive and so versatile! You can poach it, steam it, roast it, smash it and mince it. You can add it to recipes, sauces, veggie dishes, breads and, well, just about anything. Garlic can be planted in the spring and again in the fall supplying your garden with a seamless supply every year. What’s not to like? Unless, you’re a vampire..
Featured Food Facts
Agriculture Facts:
- Garlic is a type of bulbous plant that belongs to the family of lilies.
- There are more than 450 varieties of garlic.
- Garlic produces ovoid bulb that consists of 7 to 15 cloves. Color of the bulb depends on the variety. Most common types of garlic have white or pinkish bulbs. Root is located on the basal part of the bulb.
Nutrition and Food Facts:
- Garlic contains Vitamins C and B group, fiber and various amino acids.
- Crushing of garlic cloves induces release of enzymes which trigger creation of sulfur compounds that are responsible for the pungent and long lasting odor of garlic.
- Garlic and onions are toxic to cats and dogs.
Literature and Lore:
- Garlic used to be called Russian penicillin and given to soldiers in WW2.
- Garlic is said to fight off evil spirits and keep vampires away.
- Garlic is one of the oldest food flavorings that as discovered in ancient times. Archaeological records speak that this seasoning plant was used even in Neolithic times, more than 7,000 years ago.
Spread the word and build partnerships
Don’t be a solo act. Invite your community to the table!
Promote in-house:
- Announcements
- Newsletters
- Website
- Social media
- Events (health fairs, open houses, garden working events, back to school, holiday activities, parents night, sporting events)
- Meetings (PTO, wellness committee, board of directors, staff professional learning days)
- Food tastings during events
Promote in your community:
- Report on activities and share pictures with news sources
- Share with community partners for their websites, social media and newsletters
- Post fliers at public places (libraries, health centers, non-profit hospitals, garden groups, local farm hubs, farmers markets, health agencies)
- Ask students to create and publicize local food stories – include photos or create videos
Invite others onsite to get involved:
- Build impact by engaging culinary arts, Future Farmers of America,botany, ecocentric and garden programs as well as your wellness committee
- Create relationships and engage non-profit hospitals, garden groups, local farm hubs, farmers markets, health agencies and advocates
- Find support in local culinary leaders and businesses
Curricular Connections and Activities
Early childcare/preschool: Garden, Plants and Seed songs
Grades 4-8: Planting Garlic from Bulb to Clove
Menu Icons

We have many recipes for you to look through in our Recipe Index! Here you can see take-home recipes for use in the community as well as more choices for your cafeteria. We have hot and cold recipes for most foods. Be sure to use the provided icons on your menu!
Featured Food Service Recipe: Red Potato Salad with Lemon and Garlic
Featured CACFP Recipe: Kenyan Smashed Veggies: Irio
Featured Home Recipe: Crunchy Garlic Green Beans