Did you know Illinois Harvest of the Month shares information on wholesale-ready Illinois farms and processors on the Distributor page? Are you an Illinois producer, food hub or processor? Contact us at to join the Network and share your information!
Are you a farmer or producer who would like to be a part of the Illinois Harvest of the Month? It is easy to be a part of farm to school with this great program.
There are many ways that you can go about bringing your products into schools in a given month. You can market your produce to wholesalers or you can sell directly to schools. There is a lot of information on the web about how to make this work.
Guides for Producers
IL Farm to School Producer Toolkit: IFSN Producer Guide
NCAT-NFSN Bringing the Farm to School: Producer Resources
WI Farm to School Producers Tool Kit: http://www.cias.wisc.edu/toolkits/
Food Hub tools for producers: NCAT-ATTRA Producer Guide to Food Hubs
USDA Census of Ag- Local, organic and direct census: https://www.agcensus.usda.gov/index.php
USDA Farm to School Fact Sheets for Producers:
Illinois Market Maker
Join the online Illinois MarketMaker platform that connects local farmers to school districts through food distributors and one-to-one. Check out all of the benefits for your business here.
Participating Sites
In 2023 Harvest of the Month was shared with more than 530,000 children at over 1100 feeding and garden sites in Illinois. To request a list of institutions utilizing Harvest of the Month in your sales area contact us at:
Are you a farmers’ market manager, food hub manager, or do you work with local producers? Share our Farmer One Pager and get in touch with our team at .

2010 Chilton Public Schools (WI) high school locally sourced, scratch-made meal. Crispy Chicken Sammie, Oven Roasted Baby Reds & Sautéed Green Beans.