December Celebrations with Harvest of the Month
With the build-up to the holiday break, December is a festive and busy month. Sometimes good nutrition can get lost in all the sweets and festivities. But, that doesn’t have to be the case!
Change the Celebration Focus to Healthier Choices
Need help incorporating better holiday snacks into your school festivities? Action for Healthy Kids has a tip sheet for avoiding sugar overload and incorporating healthier choices in school celebrations. The University of Illinois Extension has wonderful resources for promoting healthy school celebrations. Learn how teachers, food service, and school administrators can maintain a positive, healthy, and most importantly fun environment through the holiday season. By sharing resources like these with staff and administrators you can help to promote healthy and fun holidays at school.
On the Meal Lines
Are you serving carrots for December’s Harvest of the Month? Adding more celebration to your meal lines on Harvest of the Month featured veggie days will lend a festive note to your efforts.
Did you know that Moroccan Carrot Salad has a history steeped in celebration? In the cuisine notes on the recipe, you will note that
Moroccan Carrot Salad is a traditional Rosh Hashanah dish in Israel. This dish is a symbol of a sweet and fruitful year to come. Adding pictures of a traditional Rosh Hashanah celebration, or a New Year’s celebration and decorating tables or food lines with festive trappings will increase the interest of young eaters. Adding a marketing blast about the celebration on your school’s website and to the morning announcements will draw attention to your Harvest of the Month day festivities. Carrot Fries will steal the show on the lunch lines during a holiday celebration. These sweet, roasted carrots are a perfect side dish for your student’s favorite entrees. This side dish is fast and easy to prepare and can be used with local, precut carrots or full carrots. You don’t even need to peel them! Just scrub them well and cut into sticks, coins or chunks. Adjust your roasting time if the pieces are thicker and you have an easy way to promote Harvest of the Month local veggies!

Customize your recipe with your student’s favorite flavor combinations such as Ranch, BBQ or Mexican spice blends. To avoid higher sodium in premade spice blends create your own. Draw attention to your creation by giving it a name that ties it to your school.
- New! (Your district name) (your district’s mascot) Ranch Carrot Fries are available today on the lunch line!
- Limited Time Only! (Your district name) (mascot) Fiesta Carrot Fries are available today on a lunch line near you! Add some spice to your holidays!
By connecting your menu to your school population you will peak the interest of your student customers. Be sure to advertise your new recipe to promote it!
Give Harvest of the Month promotions and celebrations a try! Happy Holidays!